Most ALTs from Interac stay at Leopalace Apartments. These apartments are all around Japan. They are good for those who just moved to this country because they are fully-furnished and rent includes internet connection. Above all, there is no need for a guarantor to rent a Leopalace apartment.
One can easily identify a Leopalace apartment because most houses have the same designs anywhere in Japan.
One can easily identify a Leopalace apartment because most houses have the same designs anywhere in Japan.
Usually, Leopalace in cities have lofts while those in countrysides have beds with storage shelves underneath. Rooms on ground floors have big sliding doors while rooms on second floors are carpeted with smaller windows.
Each apartment has a tv, airconditioner/heater, intercom, microwave and washing machine. It also includes a small kitchen with narrow counter top and an electromagnetic stove. Bathrooms (with dryers) and toilets are usually separated.
These shots were taken in Hatogaya, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama. Hatogaya used to be an independent city in Saitama but it's so small the government decided to combine it to Kawaguchi. Hato means dove so there are pictures and statues of doves almost everywhere in this place.